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Friday, June 28, 2013

Defintion Praphrase

What is Paraphrase?
Paraphrasing means changing the wording of a text so that, it is significantly different from the original source, without changing the meaning. Effective paraphrasing is a key academic skill needed to avoid the risk of plagiarism.

The Elements of Effective Paraphrasing :
  • Has a different structure to the original
  • Has mainly different vocabulary
  • Retains the same meaning
  • Keeps some phrases from the original that are in common use e.g. 'Industrial revolution'. 
For Example the following sentence :
There  has been much debate about the reasons for the industrial revolution happening in eighteenth century Britain, rather than in France  or Germany.
Could be Paraphrased : 
Why the industrial revolution occurred in Britain in the eighteenth century, instead of on the continent, has been the subject of considerable discussion. 

Techniques for Paraphrasing :
  • Changing vocabulary by using synonyms. Example : argues = claims, eighteen century = 1700s, wages = labour, costs/economise = saving.
  • Changing words class and word order. Example : explanation (n) change be explain (v), mechanical (adj) change be mechanise (v), profitable (adj) change be profitability (n).
  • Change the Sentence Type. Sentence can be changed by altering such things as word order, the number of clauses in a sentence, the kind of clauses in a sentence and the kind of linking words used.
         The Four Sentence Types :
  1. Simple sentences (one independent clause) Product awareness is strong.
  2. Compound sentence (more than one independent clause) Product awareness is strong, but sales are lower than expected.
  3. Complex sentences (a combination of an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses) Although product awareness is strong, sales are lower than expected.
  4. Combination sentences (a combination of compound and complex sentences) While Product awareness is strong, sales are lower than expected, and investors are worried.
  • Make abstract ideas concrete.
       Five paraphrasing Tips : 
  1. Use as many techniques as you can simultaneously.
  2. Vary the techniques (don't use the same ones all the time).
  3. Practice the techniques often and regularly. It is not easy to paraphrase.
  4. Only begin paraphrasing when you have complete understanding of the source text. 
  5. If you are lucky enough to have the opportunity, tell someone about the point you wish to paraphrase, or even say it aloud yourself.          

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