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Monday, June 24, 2013

Example of Conceptual Article


Evi Susanti
Nusantara PGRI Kediri

            This paper tries to bring about a discussion on the concept of improving the motivation of young learner to study English using picture. Moreover the paper  aimed at examining and applying of improving the motivation of young learner to study English using picture media. Young learner more active and correspondence the material that it is given their teacher by using the picture media. The paper adopt an action research approach. The findings of the paper that application of picture media to bring positive impact to the young learner especially in elementary school and teacher. These two part that is can be increase motivation of young learner, they are using picture media to the motivation of young learner to study English in vocabulary learning.    

Keywords : Motivation of young learner, Study English, using Picture media.

            Learning English is important for young leaner, especially in elementary school. Teacher feel an importance to introduce a Foreign Language especially English to young leaner since childhood. There are many reasons why English is introduced in the early age. English as international language is very important to the society because English is used in several aspect such as education, social, culture, etc.
Teaching English at the early age is easier than teaching to the adult. Brunfit (1997 : VI) explains that young leaner have more opportunities than adult. However, now days the young leaner are bored to study English especially in vocabulary learning because they think study English is difficult. So, they don’t have motivation (Interest) to study English. 
Furthermore, Media in teaching English is very useful as a tool that can teacher deliver their material. “Media in teaching is divided into three types of media namely printed media, visual media, and electronic media”, (James : 2010). James stated on the leaner that visual media could make visual impression to the leaner and can illustrate meaning more directly and quickly then through verbal explanation.
One of visual media is picture. Picture is important for teachers to use instructional methods such as picture to increase motivation of young leaner generally feel frustrated and afraid to learn English. Based the statement, the writer argue that improving the motivation of young leaner to study English can be done by using media such picture in the process of learning English. In this case, the writer aim to give chance at the young leaner to study English by interesting.
In this paper, the writer tries to discuss about “Media to Improving the Motivation of Young Leaner to Study English”. The writer want to apply and examine using picture media to improve the motivation of young leaner to study English in vocabulary learning at the elementary school.

Motivation of Young Leaner
In the classroom, the young leaner do learning process. They have motivation in learning, especially English.
Motivation is something that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior; it gets students moving, points them in a particular direction, and keeps young leaner going. The teacher often see students’ motivation reflected in personal investment and in cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement in school activities”, (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris, 2004; Maehr & Meyer, 2004; Reeve, 2006). They have high curiously for the ask question about the lesson in learning. It make appear the motivation of young leaner to study English.
Michael Hines stated that motivated young leaner to apply principles more frequently and express themselves in English more fluently compared to young leaner who proper motivation.
Early leaner are naturally  curious and are often compelled to explore and engage their environment. As people grow older, however this young leaner curiously tapers off substantially, such as that many young leaner in a conventional classroom environment find it hard to on the English lesson.
As demonstrated in countless studies, motivation in very young children is almost always very high. This allows for cognitive, associative, assimilative and imitative learning at an unparalleled rate. At this stage, language learning is among the areas where children exhibit unusual affinity and learning speed.
Therefore,  the young learner is difficult to study English. And also, the teacher is still using monoton media in teaching the young learner. Such as, teacher is still using white board as written media. It is make young leaner feel boring and not interesting to study English.

Kinds of Motivation of Young Learner
1.      Intrinsically motivated
Young learner who are intrinsically motivated get involved in a learning interaction for its own sake. Intrinsically motivated young learner genuinely enjoy the learning interaction and feel some form of achievement once the learning process is completed.
2.      Extrinsically motivated
Young learner who are extrinsically motivated participate in a learning interaction primarily as a result or in pursuit of an external factor. Commonly, this factor is some variant of the reward-punishment principle. This is clearly established in the training of animals, where rewards (such as food or tangible expressions of affection/affirmation) and punishment (whip lashes, electric shocks, and confinement) are used to goad an animal into performing an activity or task designed by its human trainer.
3.      Motivated to learn
Students who are motivated to learn are propelled to participate in a learning interaction by a blend of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Ordinarily, students who are motivated to learn are more mature in terms of their awareness of the value of learning something and tend to pursue learning regardless of whether a subject elicits personal enjoyment or not. In one research, being “ motivated to learn” implies in depth involvement  and a strong commitment to learning a specific subject.  

Media in Language Teaching 
A.    Types of Media
Media or instructional media can be defined as a tool that can help teacher to deliver their material. James (2010) Categorized media inteaching into three types of media, namely printed media, visual media and audio-visual media.
·         Printed Media
These include text books, magazines, newspaper, journal, bulletins, web page, blogs, etc. They help learners to get more information through reading widely and provide more enjoyment from various cources of facts.
·         Visual Media
These include of photographs, graphics, pictures, maps, models, spacemen, game puzzle, wall charts, etc. This kind of media will be elaborated in the next sections.
·         Audio-Visual Media
These include video and film.Because of the visual element is attractive and commands attention, the sounds produced are much easer to understand by the facial impressions, gestures, pysical background shown. These bring learning becomes closer to real a life situation.

B.     Visual Media in English Learning
James (2010) stated on his journal that visual media could make visual impression to the leaner. They attract students’ attention and concentration as they illustrate meaning more directly and quickly than through verbal explanation. He also stated that a single picture was equivalent to 1000 words in meaning to listener. Picture could cut down unnecessary talking time hence supplement the voice. Visual impacts the leaners in enhacing their ability to make the language associated with an object more memorable.
Likewise, Canning-Wilson (2001) argues that leaners prefer visuals that are coloured, contain story, related to previous experiences and that can be associated with places, objects, persons, events or animals of which they are they are familiar. In this case, picture can be a choice.

A.    The Definition of Picture
A picture is worth a thousands words, that is a cliché that has yet to be proved false, especially in today fast-paced language classroom. Where well-conceived and efficiently handle visual stimuli frequently create the different between dynamic, high-yield instruction and static monotonous and static opposite”, (Kenton, 1999:7)

B.     The Types of Picture
According to Grazyna Szkyke,  “Visual Aids in Language Teaching as a Second Language”, English Teaching Forum, XIII, (London: Hunter College,1982. p. 265) “There are two kinds of pictures that are useful in teaching learning process as teaching aids: pictures of individual's persons and object and pictures of situations in which persons and objects are in action.
a.     Pictures of individual
1)    Pictures of individual person or things may be used, mainly at the elementary level, to introduce or test vocabulary items.
2)    Portraits, which are pictures that show a person in close detail, are useful for intermediate and advance learners. The students can be asked questions about the age and proportion of the person, whether she/he is married, her/his interest and traits of character.
The pictures have enough cues, so that the students can figure out the meaning of a new word and sentence structure. The students understand and retain the meaning of a word better when they have seen or have touched some object associated with it.

Composite picture
Composite images are pictures that are electronically built up using multiple layers to hopefully produce convincing looking fake pictures. This technique is a computer version of using scissors to cut out parts of one picture to paste into another. It is effectively an electronic version of collage making. Composites are used to supplement a reconstruction wherever authentic visual material is not available.
At the basic level, cutting out a character and pasting them into the correct setting for a scene would be a typical scenario for making a composite. This would of course only be necessary if appropriate authentic pictures do not exist for the scene or if we wish to supplement authentic pictures to add variety to the reconstruction. In the more advanced case, composites consist of very many layers, one for each of the independent sources being used. The background layer could be a set, an appropriate costume as one layer, the correct actor's head as another layer, etc, etc.
Whenever possible the likeness of the correct actor is used for these types of composites. As a typical example, for the Mission to the Unknown reconstruction, this process was necessary for every single shot featuring the main cast as no telecast or authentic pictures of them survive at all. The composites use whatever source material is suitable in.

Teaching Vocabulary
As Goebel (2001: 16) stated that, “teaching vocabulary should not only consist of teaching specific words but also aim at equipping students with strategies necessary to expand their vocabulary knowledge”.
Learning more and more vocabulary items does not necessarily increase a person’s fluency. By definition, the extra items are less and less useful. Despite this obvious fact, teachers and even more and more students, feel that increasing their vocabulary will increase their fluency-either in speech or in writing. This is very far from the truth. Knowing a vocabulary item is not a simple process – it means much more than simply memorizing the word.
Teaching vocabulary is clearly more than just presenting new words, because vocabulary plays an essential role in learning language. Vocabulary teaching can help the students to learn the meaning of the words, understand the connection between form and the meaning and how to use it.
Young learner always deal with vocabulary in learning English because it appears in any language skills. Having enough vocabulary can make them able to listen, speak, read, and write. Therefore, vocabulary should be developing in order to achieve their language skills.
Meanwhile vocabulary cannot be taught separately but it should be taught in context, which may not relate to the young learner environment. As stated by McMillan, which quoted by Nation (2001: 85) that, “we should also give precedence to vocabulary which is related to environment and experience of pupil whether or not it is found in our textbook or high on a word”. It is clear that teaching vocabulary in context and creating a good environment to help the young learner’s members the words easily can improve learner’s vocabulary.

Teaching Vocabulary Using Pictures
Vocabulary is, according to Hatch & Brown (1995), “the list of words that
speakers of a particular language use”. As language teachers we use different types of teaching aids to explain the meaning of new words. Using pictures is one of the teaching aids that teachers depend on in their teaching. Harmer (2001:134) states that “Teachers have always used pictures or graphics – whether drawn, taken from books, newspapers and magazines, or photographs – to facilitate learning”. In        Harmer’s experience, English teachers tend to feel that using pictures in teaching new words makes the process enjoyable and memorable. They also feel that pictures attract pupils’ attention and deepen their understanding of vocabulary.
Pictures can also help learners with abstract words, as associating the words with a concrete object makes these words easier to remember. Harmer (2001:135) states that “one of the most appropriate uses for pictures is for the presenting and checking of meaning. An easy way of explaining the meaning of the word aeroplane, for example, is to have a picture of one”. Of course, not all new words can be taught using pictures but most concrete vocabulary can.
Nation (1990:51) lists a number of basic techniques through which teachers can explain the meanings of new words, all of which can be used in the young learner classroom. Some of these techniques involve the use of pictures from a variety of sources - pictures from computers; photographs; drawings or diagrams on the board; and pictures from books. It will be interesting in this study to see which techniques teachers use.  Of course, pictures must be chosen carefully and it is hoped that this study will shed some light on how teachers make these choices.
According to Harmer (2001), “pictures should be appropriate not only for the language to be learned but also for the classes they are being used for; if pictures are too childish young learner may not like them and if they are culturally inappropriate they can offend people”.
Pictures also need to be visible – especially if they are being shown to the whole class they need to be big enough for everyone to see. And it also helps if pictures are durable – that is, strong enough to be used several times.  
As noted above, although it is generally accepted that pictures can play an important role in supporting vocabulary learning, that it know little about teacher and learner perspectives on this issue. His study aims to address this topic in the context of elementary classrooms in Oman.

Study English using Picture Media

Picture flash cards
Each of young learner to study English using picture flash cards that it is given by  their teacher. Some of students are experiential learners that they learn by doing. They  listen and learn.  Sometimes the lesson determines the nature of the learning. Colleen said that learning a new language especially English, for example, frequently requires young learner can to adopt an entirely new way of thinking and learning. Like any language, English has its own nuances and challenges for the English language learner.
The flash cards can be used at the beginning of a unit to present and practice new vocabulary. Flash cards are useful for teaching of grammar and vocabulary especially at the meaningful/communicative step. If carefully used flash cards can form material for the drill part of the lesson, to present patterns of the drill.  
The teacher can prepare flash cards easily and store them easily in well grouped packs. These should easily be retrievable when the occasion arises for their use in line with the syllabus or course material. Flash cards need not be larger than a specific size. Flash cards can be displayed casually and easily by the teacher or by the students in group work.
In other hand, with the picture flash cards, young learner be able like to the picture, to increase their motivation to study English. And also they can be predicted about what is the picture about.
The ways of  teaching English to the young learner using picture flash cards
1.      Create flash cards.
This works especially well as a vocabulary builder. Cut pictures from magazines, catalogs or newspapers or download pictures from the web. Attach one picture to one side of a blank 3x5 index card. On the other side of the card, write the English word that describes the picture. Use your dictionary to check your spelling.

2.      Start with individual words.
You can combine singular ("shoe") and plural ("shoes") forms of nouns on a single card, but you may find it more helpful to create a separate card for each. Don't forget adjectives (e.g. "red," "tall" and "short").
3.      Combine words and concepts.
This works well if you can create comparative scenarios, e.g. "blue shirt" and "yellow shirt." In this way, you'll learn both the noun and the adjective that describes it.
4.      Create cards that illustrate action words.
 On one side, write the infinitive form of the verb, along with the present-tense conjugations: "to run: I run, you run, he/she runs, we run, they run."
5.      As you become more proficient, make your lessons more challenging by combining words to make sentences.
To do this, make stacks of cards grouped by part of speech: noun, adjective, verb. Select one noun picture, one adjective and one verb to create an instant sentence.
6.      As your skills become more advanced, step up your learning.
Line up the pictures and their associated words to tell simple stories. Make silly stories that will reinforce your learning. Make stories that describe special events and holidays.

Teaching Vocabulary through Flash Card
Teacher as facilitator should accommodate their students by finding out some interesting ways of teaching, in order to make the students interested to the lesson, teachers can use teaching aids for teaching grammar since most children like pictures there is an advantages to teach them using visual aids, so that they are interested to the lesson.
Moreover, they are eager to learn more about English grammar. Some of the examples of teaching aid’s advantages are: to attract student’s attention to the lesson, visual aids are easy to prepared (so that everyone can make flash cards by drawing any illustration according to the purpose teaching), visual aids cards are easy to be carried around as they are only a stack of cards, and the last one visual aids are easy to be used (as they are only transferred of flash from back to front).
The writer stated before that, since most children like pictures and visual aids. Teacher can use them to make the student interested to the lesson. Therefore is motivated to provide an input of teaching irregular English verb using flash cards. First of all the writer explains about flash cards    .
Flash cards are a great language learning tool. As the old saying goes, “one picture is worth a thousand words”. But how do you use them effectively? Here are some of the ideas along that line. If you are using the flash cards to drill vocabulary start off by sitting in front of the class so that the whole class can see the cards easily and go through the drill.
After the students start to get an idea of what the cards are, you can start to just flash the cards for a second and the students have to tell you what the card is. That is why they are called flash cards.
As the students become more familiar with the cards, you can shorten the time of the flash (Yang Zhihong, 2000: 115). Sightseeing by great picture is shown by flash cards, students are invited in learning, and it can create class activities fresher.

Examples of Vocabulary learning using Picture Flash Card :  .

The advantages of using flash cards are as follows :
1.      The system is effective to use for distinguishing tenses
2.      The cards are easy to be prepared (everyone can make flash cards by drawing any illustration according to the purpose of teaching)
3.      The cards are easy to be carried around (as they are only a stack of card, it is easy to be carried)         
4.      The cards are easy to be used (cards are only transferred or flash from back to  front)
On the other hands flash cards have some disadvantages such as: this system is only effective for small class (the number of students up to 5 or 10 students), and because the system in using pattern drill, it is quite possible than they are not able to use sentences out of the pattern drill.
So, in acquiring vocabulary students should not be told more about the meaning of words than they need to know to understand the context so that they do not get confused. In this case, the writer takes flash cards as the media to conduct the students.          

In this paper the writer try to present an idea that with using picture media to improve motivation of young learner to study English especially for elementary school in vocabulary learning with picture flash card. In order to the young learner are not boring when the teacher teach them. And also the learning media is not monoton, but more variation and creative.
Therefore, teacher need using picture to improve motivation of young learner to study English. In addition, the young learner will be happy when their teacher teach by using picture and they can do more ease to memorize the words, if using picture media with flash card.  


Brumfit, C., Moon, J., and Tongue, R.. 1997. Teaching English to Children. From Practice to Principle. Collins ELT: Longman.

Canning-Wilson, Christine. 2001. Visuals and Language Learning : Is There a Connection?. ELT Newsletter. Article 48. (online), Available at :, Accessed on 9th  May, 2013

 Goebel, J and Morin R. 2001. Basic Vocabulary Instruction Teaching Strategies or Word? Foreign Language Annals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Harmer, J. (2001). The practice of English language teaching (3rd ed.). London:

Hatch, E. & Brown, C. (1995). Vocabulary, semantics and language education.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hines, Michael. 2010. Methods for Increasing the Motivation of Language Learners.(online) Available at :, Accessed on 9th  May, 2013

James. 2010. Types of Media Used in Teaching and Learning for its Conductive Environment. (online), Available at :, Accessed on 9th  May, 2013

Morrison, Colleen. 2011.  How to Learn English With Pictures. Available at :, Accessed on 10th  May, 2013

Nation, I.S.P. 2001. Learning Vocabulary in Other Language. New York: Cambridge University Press. Available at :, Accessed on 26th  May, 2013

Ormrod, J.E. 2010. How Motivation Affects Learning and Behavior. (online)   Available at :, Accessed on 9th  May, 2013

Szkyke, Grazyna   Visual Aids in Language Teaching as a Second Language”, English Teaching Forum, XIII, (London: Hunter College,1982. p. 265)

Zhihong Yang, 2000. Learning Words, English Teaching Forum, Vol.38. Available at :, Accessed on 26th  May, 2013

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